Ministry of Hope

Leaning into the Wind of Revival,
Revival is the word, but who directs?

Can you imagine that complete movements are build on the concept
of Revival, they work and move towards the great Revival promoting
their concept wherever they go. Revival is not build on a concept of
men. but is a sovereign work of a Holy God, calling people to repent.

Bible Studies; Leaning into the wind of Revival.


Leaning into the wind of revival

By ministry of Hope
november 12 2008

Excerpts are taken from "Key’s to The Deeper Life" by A.W. Tozer.

How is it that modern Evangelical Christianity, has great problems with this expression, for it seems that we are advancing to great things, global unity of the faith, almost like it depends on the organizations to usher in the Kingdom of God.

How tragic to see that the Church it’s self has come to believe that everything is centered on revival and the longing for revival has become the standard for the evangelical Christian as a way to pursue the Kingdom.

So strongly is the breeze blowing for revival that scarcely anyone appears to have the discernment and lean into the wind, even though the truth may easily lie in that direction.

What we see today, in the world could easily be understood as a revival, we have seen the ‘Toronto blessing’, ‘revival in Florida’, Southern Africa and other places on earth. Let us not forget that Islam is now enjoying a revival in many countries and has become a strong force to make its mark among the world religions in our day.

Eastern religions have made a remarkable comeback after World War II, Roman Catholicism and liberal Protestantism have gained ground to the point that men would describe it as "revival", and this without any perceptible elevation of moral standards, but rather to be noticing a sharp decline, by its devotees.

Tragically we have seen in the past thirty years a boom in popular Christianity, T.V. ministries and others have captured the interest of the wayward believer, and been able to create a boom altogether divorced from the transforming power of the Holy Spirit.

Vast parts of the evangelic church now have embraced the techniques of the eastern religions and ‘New Age’ type ministries to place themselves on the plateau of God’s holy mountain, through experiencing the deception of the counterfeit, and so leave the church of the next generation worse off than it would have been if the boom had never occurred.

It is my considered opinion that in reality we don’t want true revival at all. A widespread revival of the kind we see in the world and in the U.S.A. today might prove to be a moral tragedy, which we will not recover in a hundred years.

As I read the books of E.W. Tozer, and see what happened 40 years ago and was seen as liberation from the old standards of the Christian faith, then we must conclude that the acceleration to apostasy has been phenomenal.

Fifty years ago E.W. Tozer wrote the following; I quote, "A generation ago, as a reaction from Higher Criticism and its offspring, Modernism, there arose in Protestantism a powerful movement in defense of the historic Christian faith. This for obvious reasons, came to be known as Fundamentalism. It was a more or was more a less spontaneous movement without much organization, but its purpose wherever it appeared was the same: to stay "the rising tide of negation" in Christian theology and to restate and defend the basic doctrines of New Testament Christianity. This much is history".

Though many long for a true revival, in a sense that Fundamentalism could have provided, I sadly must conclude that this same Fundamentalism, so needed in its day, and even today, has fallen victim on its own virtues, I quote Tozer again from the "deeper life", "What is generally overlooked as that Fundamentalism, as it spread throughout the various denominations and in particular the nondenominational groups, fell victim to its own virtues. The Word died in the hands of its friends. Verbal inspiration, for instance {a doctrine which I have held and do now hold}, soon became afflicted with ‘rigor mortis’".

The voice of the true prophet was silenced and the scribes captured the minds of the faithful. The result was that in large areas the religious imagination was withered and a unofficial hierarchy decided what Christians ought to believe, rather than the scriptures.

Not the Scriptures, but what the scribe thought the Scriptures meant, became the Christian creed, resulting in textualism.

Instead of the Holy Spirit speaking through scripture, we now have taking scripture to support our belief, wrenching it out of context, to form new doctrine.

Bible institutes, conferences, popular Bible expositors, all joint in to promote the cult of textualism.

Let me tell you what is meant by textualism, many ministries are build on this concept these days, such as some of the Charismatic Movement and even stronger the Word-Faith movement and some Healing Ministries.

In this letter I will not mention any particular minister or ministries, since the mix is not easily recognized, we recognize then by the fruit and you can find much information on the website of Ministry of hope.

Textualism is an extreme system of dispensationalism {a wrong concept of the dispensation of Grace} which was devised, and relieved the Christian of repentance, obedience and the cross-carrying in any other than the most formal sense.

Whole sections of the New Testament were taken from the church and disposed of after a rigid system of "dividing the Word of truth."

All this resulted in a counterfeit "Early Church" inimical to the faith of Christ, A kind of cold mist settled over the fundamental church, (charismatic danger) faith became something other than Christ’s faith and the power of the Holy Spirit to transform lives, changed into manifestation of power.

This was New Testament Christianity, to be sure. The basic doctrines of the Bible were there, but the love as is inspired by the Holy Spirit, resulting in that sweet fruit of the Spirit wasn’t and isn’t there today.

The mood is all together different from that of the Early Church and of the great souls who suffered and sang and worshiped in the centuries past.

When we read scripture, we can feel the sense in which the apostle Paul wrote when he mentioned his sufferings as a doorway to know Christ imminently.

Phil 3:7 but whatever former things I had that might have been gains to me, I have come to consider as [one combined] loss for Christ's sake. Phil 3:8 Yes, furthermore, I count everything as loss compared to the possession of the priceless privilege (the overwhelming preciousness, the surpassing worth, and supreme advantage) of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord {and} of progressively becoming more deeply {and} intimately acquainted with Him [of perceiving and recognizing and understanding Him more fully and clearly]. For His sake I have lost everything and consider it all to be mere rubbish (refuse, dregs), in order that I may win (gain) Christ (the Anointed One),

The error of textualism is not a doctrinal error, but a far more subtle than that and far more difficult to discover, but the effects are just as deadly. It is in the assumptions and not in the theological beliefs, where the sting of death is hidden.

It assumes that if we have the word for a thing we have the thing itself. If it is in the Bible, it is in us. If we have the doctrine, we have the experience. If something was true of the apostle Paul than it is true of us, because we accept Paul’s epistles as divinely inspired as the Word of God.

The whole Bible tells us how to be saved, but textualism goes on to make it tell us that we are saved. Which in the very nature of things, it cannot do. The assurance of individual salvation has become a logical conclusion, drawn from doctrinal premises, whereby the experience is wholly mental and not spiritual.

Now almost anybody can call himself to be saved, after gone through the steps of a simple prayer in three or more steps. Salvation is a witness in our spirit which tells us that we are children of God. Rom 8:16 The Spirit Himself [thus] testifies together with our own spirit, [assuring us] that we are children of God.

And thus makes it a spiritual experience, in which the Holy Spirit assures us that we belong to Him.

Unless we intent to reform we may as well not pray for revival, unless the men praying have insight and faith to amend their whole way of living to the New Testament pattern, there can be no true revival.

We must return to New Testament Christianity, not in creed only, but in the whole manner of life, thinking and acting as true Christians, separating themselves from the world in obedience, humility, simplicity, gravity, self-control, modesty, cross-bearing, all these must become a common practice of the Christian life.

We must cleanse the temple of the hucksters and the money changers, and come fully under the authority of the risen Lord again. And this applies to me as well and everyone that names the name of Jesus. Then we can pray with confidence and expect true revival.

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